Our Most Interesting Cases of 2023

In our most interesting cases of 2023, we helped our clients locate assets, find people, and understand reputations.

Uncovering stolen assets

Our client’s personal assistant pretended to be a friend while siphoning millions of dollars over the course of 15 years. We traced these assets, finding luxury homes and vehicles purchased with the embezzled funds – providing key evidence that was turned over to the Department of Justice.

Locating a misanthrope

Our client needed something important – protection from a former husband from 20 years ago. He needed to be served with an updated protective order, but nobody was able to locate him. Eventually, we found him living off-the-grid in rural California, where we were able to serve him with the protective order and maintain our client’s sense of security.

Pre-litigation asset profile

A pharmaceutical company owed our foreign client about $40 million in unpaid invoices. Our client needed to know whether the company had enough money to make it worth a lawsuit. It turned out the company did have some assets – allowing our client to decide whether to negotiate or go forward with litigation.

Proof of many breached contracts

Our client needed to know whether a private, nationwide company had a pattern of breaching their contracts and exceeding the estimates they provided their customers. We substantiated a pattern of contractual issues and estimate overruns, which was crucial evidence for the client’s arbitration.

Personal habits

Our client needed to understand the spending habits of an individual attempting to manage the assets of others. We compiled a comprehensive spending profile through surveillance and interviews with the individual’s friends and acquaintances with the goal of convincing a court that the individual was unfit to handle other people’s finances.

Reputational due diligence

Our due diligence cases were remarkably unremarkable this year – without fraud or significant accusations in anybody’s background. While this may not seem like one of the most interesting cases of 2023, our clients loved it because their deals went through without a hitch.
For attorneys seeking a partner with investigative finesse, we invite you to contact us at [email protected] or 415-905-0462 for a free, private consultation.