Over this past year we handled cases leading us to find a Ferrari, successfully defend clients accused of murder and untangle financial scams. Our cases ranged from background due diligence investigations into executives and developing sources inside organizations to knocking on strangers’ doors seeking witnesses and obtaining evidence in a variety of high-stakes civil matters. Below are some of the cases so compelling we want to share them with you. We look forward to 2020!
Money Laundering
Helping defend a client accused by the DOJ of defrauding investors, we found and interviewed dozens of witnesses and obtained evidence to show that our client’s companies were real. A team of amazing lawyers took the case to trial, resulting in a jury’s acquittal of many of the original charges.
While combing deep into the background of a high-net-worth individual slandering our client, we found an old felony theft charge against the opposing party in a jurisdiction 2,000 miles away — under a different name.
Our client was a quiet, socially awkward 17-year-old when he was cajoled into driving the getaway car for a gang killing. The district attorney tried to prosecute him as an adult, exposing him to life in state prison. Our investigation helped his (brilliant) attorney obtain a plea deal that kept him in the juvenile system, allowing him to start his life over in a few years.
Our client, who was mentally disabled and wrongly accused of several murder charges, faced multiple life sentences and our investigation helped the attorney negotiate a plea deal with a much reduced sentence so he can get another chance to live a stable life.
Cold Case
We just started a cold case investigation of a 10-year-old unsolved murder where the victim was found shot to death in his upscale home in Northern California.
By figuring out creative ways of getting government data, we obtained evidence to support a low-income family suing law enforcement officers in federal court after the officers illegally searched their home, traumatizing the children and elderly residents.
We used electronic and on-the-ground surveillance to find a billionaire’s heir living between multiple homes and constantly travelling throughout the world.
Corporate Intelligence
In a pure human source investigation, we obtained insight into the reputation of a publishing industry leader to help an investment group make a long-term decision with their company position.
Person Locating
Working with a date of birth and an incorrect last name, we searched for a 58-year-old man throughout the country and ultimately found him in Bangkok, Thailand.