Former Prosecutor Forges Warrants to Wiretap Romance of Colleague Prosecutor and Police Detective, Sentenced to Jail (Law) A federal court judge in Brooklyn sentenced a jealous former prosecutor to one year in prison after she pled guilty to forging documents that...
Self-Styled Crime Reporter Charged with Mis-Using Information (ABA Journal) A Texas woman, who is a self-styled, Facebook news reporter was charged last month with broadcasting the name of a man who committed suicide prior to the Laredo Police Department releasing the...
Martha’s Vineyard Psychic Bilks Elderly Woman of $3.5M, Gets 26 Months Prison (MV Times) A U.S. District Court judge sentenced a south Florida woman to 26 months in prison for bilking millions out of elderly and infirm women who thought they were paying for...
Reflecting on some of the cases that made 2017 a great year We have highlighted below a selection of Waterfront’s interesting matters during our first year in business. Complex Civil Litigation Obtained impeachment material on opposing witnesses in a...
Court Backs BuzzFeed in Trump Dossier Case (Politico) A federal judge denied a Russian mogul’s bid to force internet media company BuzzFeed to divulge its source for the “Trump Dossier” – a report that makes claims against President Donald Trump of collusion during...
Ninth Circuit Judge Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations (Fortune) A well-known federal judge stepped down in December following allegations from 15 women who claim that he inappropriately hugged and kissed them and used his judge’s chambers to show female law...